We are personally available during the following business hours:
Mon. - Thu.: 9am - 4pm CET
Fri.: 9am - 2pm CET
You can contact us by phone (+43 2262 90300), email (office@marinomed.com) or use the contact form.
Public Transport
From Westbahnhof: Underground line U6 towards Floridsdorf, S-Bahn or regional train towards Absdorf-Hippersdorf / Znojmo/Stockerau/Retz to Korneuburg station. From the train station into Hovengasse about 10 minutes to Marinomed.
From the main train station: S-Bahn or regional train towards Absdorf-Hippersdorf / Znojmo / Stockerau / Retz. From the train station into Hovengasse about 10 minutes to Marinomed.
From Vienna International Airport (VIE): S-Bahn S7 towards Wolkersdorf / Laa Thaya to Praterstern and then S3 towards Stockerau to Korneuburg train station. Regional train towards Gänserndorf / Floridsdorf to Praterstern and S3 towards Hollabrunn to Korneuburg station.
By car
From the west - Salzburg, Linz, St. Pölten: A1 towards St. Pölten hub; S33 and continue on S5 to Stockerau hub; A22 to Korneuburg, exit Korneuburg-Ost, left onto Wiener Straße, the next left onto Johann-Pamer-Straße, continue following the street, then right into Hovengasse for 100m; Building on the right.
From the south - Villach, Klagenfurt, Graz: A2 and A23 towards Gänserndorf to Kaisermühlen hub, A22 to Korneuburg, exit 16-Korneuburg-Ost, left onto Wiener Straße, the next left onto Johann-Pamer-Straße, continue on the street following, then right into Hovengasse for 100m; Building on the right.
From the north / northwest - Tulln, Stockerau: A22 to Korneuburg, exit 16-Korneuburg-Ost, left onto Wiener Straße, the next left onto Johann-Pamer-Straße, continue following the street, then right into Hovengasse for 100m; Building on the right.
From the east - Schwechat, Hainburg: A4 and A23 towards Gänserndorf to Kaisermühlen junction, A22 to Korneuburg, exit 16-Korneuburg-Ost, left onto Wiener Straße, the next left onto Johann-Pamer-Straße, continue following the street, then right into Hovengasse for 100m; Building on the right.
Free parking is available directly in Hovengasse in front of the building or at Marinomed's parking lot.
Taxi from the Airport
A taxi from the airport (VIE) takes about 30-40 minutes and costs around EUR 50.