Company Name (Media Owner):
Marinomed Biotech AG
Registered Office:
Hovengasse 25
2100 Korneuburg
Tel. +43 2262 90300
Legal Form: Joint Stock Corporation (Aktiengesellschaft)
Commercial Register Number: FN276819m
Commercial Register Court: Regional Court Korneuburg
VAT Identification Number: ATU 62733938
Business Objects: Research and development of medical devices, pharmaceutical and biotechnological products as well as dietary supplements
Management Board: Andreas Grassauer, Eva Prieschl-Grassauer
Supervisory Board: Simon Nebel (Chairman), Brigitte Ederer (Vice Chairwomen), Elisabeth Lackner, Karl Mahler
Austrian Commercial Chamber
Competent Regulatory Bodies:
District Commission Korneuburg as trade authority
Austrian Federal Ministry for Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection
Austrian Federal Office for Safety in Health Care (BASG/AGES)
Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA)
Applicable Legal Provisions:
Industrial Code (
Medical Device Act (
Editorial Policy and Contents of Website
The website serves the purpose of presenting Marinomed Biotech AG and its activities vis-á-vis the general public.
Marinomed makes every effort to ensure that the contents of its website are correct. However, we cannot exclude errors and mistakes and therefore, the access and use of this site is at your own risk. Marinomed neither warrants nor represents that use of this site will not infringe rights of third parties not owned or affiliated by Marinomed. Marinomed has the right to modify and add or remove the content of this website at any time. Marinomed does not accept liability for the relevance, accuracy or completeness of the information and material presented in this website.
Marinomed reserves all rights on the layout of the homepage, text, graphics and photographs used.
Website Concept and Design: crossconnect GmbH,
Technical Implementation: rudybohrer – high resolution communication (Rudolf Bohrer GmbH),