Annual General Meeting

7th Annual General Meeting 2024

Thursday, June 20, 2024, at 1:00 pm

Competence Centre of Raiffeisenbank Korneuburg,
2100 Korneuburg, Stockerauer Straße 94

Additional information on the Annual General Meeting 2024:

Voting results
(25 KB)
Presentation (German only)
(2 MB)
Resolution proposals of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board 2024 (convenience translation)
(101 KB)
Remuneration report 2023
(2 MB)
Remuneration policy for members of the Management Board 2024
(2 MB)
Remuneration policy for members of the Supervisory Board 2024
(2 MB)
Bericht des Vorstand zu TOP 7 und 8 (German only)
(149 KB)
Bericht des Vorstands und des Aufsichtsrats zu TOP 9 (German only)
(120 KB)
Bericht des Vorstands zu TOP 10 (German only)
(141 KB)
Comparative Version of the Articles of Association
(47 KB)
Annual report 2023
(7 MB)
Annual financial report 2023
(4 MB)
Form for proxy
(80 KB)
Form for proxy to IVA
(82 KB)
Form for revocation of a proxy
(19 KB)

Past General Meetings

Voting Results
(73 KB)
Presentation (German only)
(2 MB)
Resolution proposals of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board 2023 (convenience translation)
(371 KB)
Remuneration report 2022
(2 MB)
Bericht des Vorstands zu TOP 6 (German only)
(384 KB)
Bericht des Vorstands zu TOP 7 (German only)
(283 KB)
Declaration according to Sec. 87 Para. 2 Stock Corporation Act [AktG] incl. CV Nebel
(661 KB)
Declaration according to Sec. 87 Para. 2 Stock Corporation Act [AktG] incl. CV Ederer
(245 KB)
Declaration according to Sec. 87 Para. 2 Stock Corporation Act [AktG] incl. CV Hofstädter-Thalmann
(163 KB)
Comparative Version of the Articles of Association for Agenda Item 9
(124 KB)
Annual report 2022
(8 MB)
Annual financial report 2022
(4 MB)
Form for proxy to IVA
(373 KB)
Form for proxy
(373 KB)
Form for revocation of a proxy
(97 KB)
Invitation to the Annual General Meeting 2023
(108 KB)
Additional information on shareholder rights and data protection
(75 KB)
Directions (German Only)
(34 KB)
Presentation Slides (German only)
(2 MB)
Voting Results
(22 KB)
Remuneration report 2021
(332 KB)
Erklärung gem. § 87 Abs 2 AktG inkl. CV Kinzel (German only)
(92 KB)
Invitation to the Annual General Meeting 2022
(189 KB)
Erklärung gem. § 87 Abs 2 AktG inkl. CV Lackner (German only)
(756 KB)
Resolution proposals of the management board and the supervisory board 2022 (convenience translation)
(150 KB)
Bericht des Vorstands zu TOP 6 (German only)
(57 KB)
Annual report 2021
(2 MB)
Form for proxy
(28 KB)
Additional information on shareholder rights and data protections
(44 KB)
Form for revocation of a proxy
(13 KB)
Annual financial report 2021
(2 MB)
Form for proxy to IVA
(29 KB)
Presentation Slides (German only) 2021
(2 MB)
Bericht des Vorstands zu TOP 6 und TOP 7 (German only) 2021
(165 KB)
Voting Results 2021
(23 KB)
Annual Report 2020
(938 KB)
Annual Financial Report 2020
(837 KB)
Form for proxy to IVA 2021
(43 KB)
Form for proxy 2021
(46 KB)
Resolution proposals of the management board and the supervisory board 2021 (convenience translation) 2021
(205 KB)
Form for revocation of a proxy 2021
(22 KB)
Hygiene concept 2021
(32 KB)
Remuneration report 2020
(154 KB)
Additional information on shareholder rights and data protection 2021
(144 KB)
Invitation to the Annual General Meeting 2021
(75 KB)
Presentation slides (German only) 2020
(1 MB)
Vergütungspolitik für Aufsichtsratsmitglieder 2020 (German only)
(95 KB)
Vergütungspolitik für Vorstandsmitglieder 2020 (German only)
(152 KB)
Annual Financial Report 2019
(2 MB)
Invitation to the Annual General Meeting 2020
(187 KB)
Annual Report 2019
(1 MB)
Voting results 2020
(26 KB)
Resolution proposals of the management board and the supervisory board 2020 (convenience translation) 2020
(249 KB)
Bericht des Aufsichtsrats und des Vorstands zum Bedingten Kapital, TOP 9 (German only) 2020
(96 KB)
Additional information on shareholder rights and data protection 2020
(143 KB)
Bericht des Vorstands zum Genehmigten Kapital, TOP 7 (German only) 2020
(143 KB)
Form for proxy to IVA 2020
(50 KB)
Presentation Slides 2019
(1 MB)
Form for proxy 2019
(35 KB)
Form for Revocation of a proxy 2019
(21 KB)
Report of the supervisory board (excerpt from the Annual Report) 2018
(555 KB)
Additional information on shareholder rights and data protection 2019
(244 KB)
Form for proxy to IVA 2019
(35 KB)
Annual Financial Report (incl. financial statements according to UGB with management report and financial statements according to IFRS) 2018
(2 MB)
Invitation to the Annual General Meeting 2019
(260 KB)
Resolution proposals of the management board and the supervisory board 2019
(116 KB)
Voting Results (German only) 2019
(24 KB)
Dipl.-Kfm. Pascal Schmidt
Chief Financial Officer
Marinomed Biotech AG
Hovengasse 25
2100 Korneuburg, Austria
+43 2262 90300